Until The Sky Swallows us I will Love You | Night Eight - Moments Together

Its late, and me and Michael are talking. Neither of us could sleep. He’s holding me from behind by the shoulders, leaning his head to rest next to my neck as he speaks. It’s almost instinct to lean back now. We’ve done this so many times I’ve lost count, though I can’t remember what we talked about. “Do you think we would’ve had a dog…?” He whispers, nuzzling his face closer to me. I take a moment to register that he’s spoken to me. He knows. “Hm… maybe a husky…” I mutter back. Michael scoffs quietly at this. “I knew you’d pick that. you’re obsessed with them.” His voice is full of affection for me, as he leans us both back to lay down. He presses a gentle kiss to my cheek. This never fails to make me go quiet. “Did you…? Well… I should’ve expected that…”

Michael knows me so well it’s unbelievable. Though he never looks into my head, yet he’s figured out almost everything I’ve sworn to keep hidden, everything I would never have let come up to the surface without him around. In a way, it’s healing. I never had to say a word, but I’m still not alone in my problems. That was something I’d always dreamt of before we met. He gently pokes me on the cheek, muttering, “Still with me?” It’s then I notice I’ve gotten distracted. I shake my head. “Yeah… still with you…” though it doesn’t come out very convincingly. I feel him frown as he presses his face against my neck. He’s so close to me… “We’ve been through this. you don’t need to pretend. I won’t be upset.” Michael whispers in that gentle tone of voice he only ever saved for me. I don’t feel so cold when we’re like this. “Want me to keep talking?” He asks, combing through my hair with his hand. He keeps catching knots with his fingers. I nod silently in response. “Did you know… my first ever job was in an archive.” Michael mutters. I can see him doing that. Researching and studying is exactly the sort of thing he likes. “Yeah. I helped out the head archivist with her work, followed up on things for her. She was… an interesting woman.” Head archivist… where have I heard that before? Has he talked about this before and I’ve forgotten? “This is the first time I’m telling you… don’t worry…” He speaks like he’s reading my mind. I can’t feel him doing that, though.

He trails off from speaking and just holds me close, pressing soft kisses to my neck. He doesn’t know quite how much I love this, spending late nights together and blocking out the world. It’s so easy to forget what’s going on outside when it’s the two of us. Or maybe he does, and he just hides it well from me. He could probably hide anything he liked from me. But he doesn’t. He just talks to me. And we ignore the world out there for a couple of hours, ignore his visions and my fog. And we just… exist together. I would say it’s beautiful. But I’m too tired for that…


Authors notes:

  1. I wanted to experiment with adding a bit more wholesomeness into the story, because everythings been very doom and gloom so far. It was a nice break from the heartbreak, I have to say :3
  2. Michael, the archivists assistant... who else do we know who worked in an archive with all seeing powers... (Jonathan Sims, Its Jonathan Sims. I don't know why I'm being cryptic.)
