Until The Sky Swallows us I will Love You | Night Nine - Alone at the door

I’m alone. Michael isn’t here. I’m cold. I like being cold, I think. Wait… who’s cold? Who’s… Michael? No, no, no, I can’t forget that… I can’t forget him. But I can’t be around him, either. I can’t be around anyone. It feels like there’s a knife twisting in my chest when he talks to me. That warmth I treasure above all else feels like it’s killing me. I don’t understand how I bear it.

There’s a knock on the door.

I don’t answer. I won’t answer. I want to be left alone. I stay sat on the floor, my eyes closed and the curtains drawn. The door is locked. He can’t get in, no one can, and I won’t let them.

There’s a knock on the door.

Again. He won’t leave. Why won’t he leave? Why does he want to be near me so badly. I don’t understand him. I know he can see me through the door, see me turning away from it. He knows I want to be left alone, he always knows, but he ignores it every time. He speaks to me when I can’t understand, holds me when I can’t even feel him, stays with me when I want to be around no one. And he never tells me why.

There’s a knock on the door.

I’m starting to get tired of that sound. That repetitive knocking, mocking me in a pattern of 3 sharp sounds. Maybe I should just answer… that way I can tell him to leave me. Yeah. That’s a good idea.

There’s a knock at the door.

I answer it.

It isn’t Michael. It’s someone I’ve never met before. I thought I was opening my bathroom door… but this is the front door.
Oh my god. I answered our front door.
Standing in front of me is a woman with so many scars it hurts to look. She has no eyes. But she has been crying. I can tell. And she can tell I have been.

Michael comes over to me, looking the woman over. He whispers to me,
“Isaac… what are you doing…”
I can’t answer, before the woman speaks.
“Oh my god, I’ve been looking everywhere for you two! You need to help me, I-“
She looks behind her, her smile of relief being replaced with a frown. The sky is staring directly at her, with all of its eyes. Michael drags her inside, closing our door shut and locking it. He looks at me with wide eyes, and I look back with an empty gaze
What did I do…?


Authors notes:

  1. oh my god, a double update today! I've started updating as I write rather than in large groups of parts, so thing's will be more spread out now.
  2. The mystery woman with no eyes, what will she do? Spoiler: she wants Michael...
  3. I wanted some more plot development, as well as some good old tonal whiplash from the last part, so now you'll get some new characters, more Michael and Isaac interactions... all around horrifying and fun times!
