Until The Sky Swallows us I will Love You | Night Three - How It Began

Michael is telling me a story. He’s reminding me of why we are here. The fog in my mind has faded, the rain has stopped, and I can see him. Hear him.
God, he is so bright…

This all started for a reason. A man we do not know chanted a rhyme I will dare to speak aloud. Because we can’t make things worse. It went,

‘You who watch and know and understand none. You who listen and hear and will not comprehend. You who wait and wait and drink in all that is not yours by right.
Come to us in your wholeness.
Come to us in your perfection.

Bring all that is fear and all that is terror and all that is the awful dread that crawls and chokes and blinds and falls and twists and leaves and hides and weaves and burns and hunts and rips and bleeds and dies.
Come to us.
I open the door.’

Hearing it made me feel violated. Like the deepest reaches of my soul were torn out and spat on the ground, left for the eyes who watch us from the sky to judge and mock.

Yet I know this will all slip away from me. This peace of mind will only last some time. That is why Michael is telling me now, rather than later. I will forget again and I will fall. It’s been that way for a long time now. But for the time being, while I can think clearly, I latch onto every word Michael speaks and I hold onto his burning body like a lifeline. He rests his hands in my hair as he plaits it, and speaks about everything and nothing all at the same time. And I can make out the words.

I don’t know how he knows these things. How he can see past the walls of our cabin. I don’t know why I still can’t, with my clear head. Michael just knows things. Little things, big things, and he whispers them gently to me without a thought. He’s so gentle… a gentle flame, with so much knowledge and so much clarity that he is in pain. The things he sees out there are less than right. He should never have looked.

But I listen. I listen to every word he speaks of how the world has changed, every piece of pain and anguish he has seen beyond our walls. He describes the eyes to me. They look into his heart and he stares right back into them. He feels everything the people outside feel, and he sees everything the people outside see. He knows there are people out there. We aren’t alone, not completely. But I don’t think I’d want anyone else here now. I think I’d like it to stay just me and my burning flame. God, I love him… he loves me. But I can feel the fog creeping back into my thoughts. I’ve learnt not to fight it. It only makes it worse, only makes the memories and the thoughts fuzzier. So I let my mind drift as he speaks. He knows. But he carries on anyway. 

Authors notes:

  1. Yes, the encantation is stollen from The Magnus Archives. A lot of this is inspired by it, or straight up taken from it. So I'd like to reinforce that this is just meant to be a fun project. it isn't meant to be objectively good or unique. I'm just having fun writing sad, scary characters finding love in a sad, scary world.
  2. Isaac mentions not knowing how Isaac knows things. This is incorrect, as he later describes the story of how Michael got his curse/power.
